Windows 10 free upgrade
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Windows 10 Free Upgrade: Everything You Need to Know

Windows 10 free upgrade download will available on 29 July 2015. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users can reserve now and start the download before the release date. Good news! Finally, Microsoft officially announced the Windows 10 release date – July 29th, 2015! The new Windows operating system will be available in 190 markets globally….

Windows 8.1 personalized lock screen
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16 Best New Features of Windows 8.1 You Want to Know

Windows 8.1 – a free update to Windows 8 – has been launched in October 2013. Windows 8.1 maybe looks identical to Windows 8 but there are many new features and improvements inside. Here I compiled a list of 16 best new features of Windows 8.1. Let us know which feature you like most in…

6 Authorized Surface Commercial Resellers with Azizah Ali
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6 New Microsoft Malaysia Surface Tablets Commercial Resellers

Microsoft Malaysia appoints 6 new authorized commercial resellers to the Microsoft Devices Program on 1st October 2013. The six commercial resellers are: Alphamatic Systems Sdn Bhd – business technology company that provides end-to-nd solution to corporate customers in Malaysia since 1983. CTC Global Sdn Bhd – support its customers from 23 service centers with 600…

Windows XP support count down

Windows XP End-of-Support: What Does It Mean to Your Business?

Is your company computer still using Windows XP? Please inform your boss that Microsoft will end the support for the 11-year old operating system on 8 April 2014. It means you will no longer receive security updates, fixes or technical support for computer that still running Windows XP.

Surface RT photo

Microsoft’s Surface RT to Launch in Malaysia

Microsoft Malaysia has confirmed that Surface RT will be released in Malaysia on 25 April 2013. Free giveaways will be given to the first 300 customers at the launch event. After months of waiting, Microsoft Surface RT will finally be available in Malaysia from 25 April 2013. It was released in USA on October 26,…

Malaysia WOWZAPP 2012 winners

8 Winning Apps of WOWZAPP Malaysia 2012 Software Development Marathon

Microsoft WOWZAPP 2012 Hackathon for Windows was participated by 413 students and software developers. The event has been recognized by the Malaysia Book of Records for the “most number of participants in a software development marathon”. In this article, you will learn about the 8 winning apps of WOWZAPP Malaysia 2012, including the developers behind…