Fastest Way to Solve TMnet Streamyx Problems
Many Malaysians are getting fed up by TMnet Streamyx services. Calling to TMnet hotline (1300-88-9515) seldom helps. You will most probably end up wasting half an hour for nothing. The most effective way is still the old way — walk-in.
Table of Contents
Why walk-in?
There are a few advantages of visiting Telekom personally:
- They cannot hang up your phone call.
- They cannot assume nothing is happening.
- They get to see your angry face.
- You will see their face.
- You will know their name.
Does it work?
Based on the experience of my friends and I, visit Telekom personally will solve your Streamyx problems a few times faster than calling TMnet hotline.
Telekom business hours
Here is the general business hours for Telekom and TMpoint:
- Monday to Friday: 8:45am to 4:30pm
- Saturday: 8:45am to 12:30pm (except for the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month)
Who fed up with TMnet?
- PaulOoi: TMNet Streamyx Poor Service
- SCORKES: Streamyx Rage
- Streamyx is sloooow…. » MENJ’s Critical Thoughts
- 点点滴滴 » Oops, Streamyx problem again???
- Screenshots: Internet connectivity… Problems, Day 4
My two cents
Visiting Telekom because of Streamyx problem is troublesome for the most of us. However, if you want to solve your Streamyx problem faster, make a visit to Telekom. Believe it or not, you may be surprised by their efficiency. ;)
I wouldn’t call having customers to walk in to solve a problem “effective”. Don’t forget the overhead of having to drive, park and queue is much longer than calling, which is why people opted for the latter.
so, have you been visiting your kedai telekom?
I thinks it is better we write dowm our comment on WIKI, and forward it to telecom:-
And i found that someone try to delete somethings, what we waiting for ?
submit as a editor and add inside @@~
My advice, provide the hotline operator enough info and details of your streamyx problem. Write down your report number and ask the operator if they have a local service number to call for line problem.
I prefer to call TMnet hotline, it take less time to report problem. Write to TMnet customer care always take 1 day to get reply and you still need to get your waiting tiket and wait to be serve in kedai telekom counter (+ your time and money you pay for your parking).
I’ve been having slow Streamyx connection for the last few days. Called them 4 days ago and problem is still there. If I go to Kedai Telekom, I dunno if they can do anything about it.
Streamyx really Sucks!! I’m facing connection problem for more than 2 weeks already with the error message FUCKin’ 678
What the hell are they doin’ right now I don know, so fuckn’ shit TM net…don know to handle but still doin’ the marketing widely….F?CK !!!
I have frequent problem with tm net streamyx. I would call them up over the phone ( 1300…..). The problem is they will be asking lots of funny questions including yr contact number, login name, whose account, your account (being paid or still …..) then they will check and start asking yr problem, then again stupid and silly old questions will be asked, yr modem brand, light, splitter and the sort, all this will probabbly kill an hour (part of an hour) or so…. end up they will you a report number….
They promise you to work on yr problem in two days… may end up weeks sometime (in my case). No qualified technician has been sent so far there were cases my question could not be answered by them.
Sent them emails, generated standard reply of acknowledge will be sent within a day but the response to my email will take another 3 or 4 weeks….
In all TM net sucks.
I walked in to kedai telekom, collect the ticket and waited for almost 40 minutes then attended by one old guy (looks young because of his wig on) . This stupid guy did was to call the 1 300 ….number and responding to me and said, “See we have this problem of getting the response from the helpline……..” after that Ill never walk in to that TM Point again.
i have already felt numb towards the hopeless tmnet company.. everytime there would be insufficient port to apply streamyx or the port is malfunctioning.. like what others have commented, even if there is something wrong with the streamyx, the hotline 1300 .. ….. does not give you a helping hand. they would proceed with their daily routine by asking the same questions like what Mr Shukri had commented here. in fact, they are wasting our money and time giving all the unnecessary details then my phone bills have already cost an arm and a leg by then.
And even if you were to go to any TM POINT, you have to see the sleepy head, proud, unfriendly, and very very reluctant like kind of services from the so-called commited workers. i would rather ask them to balik tidur instead.. so i dun need to see those poeple who are unwilling to serve you.
You see, TMNET is losing business in all.. if their services still deteriorate and the management has been aggravated since centuries, then say bye bye, many would boycott and use other alternative do i…
from a vy vy unsatisfied streamyx user
I ve call cutomer service for line reconnection and they will ask the same question that we did when the computerised ask us to do so. Unfoertunately when i started getting red face the staff purposedly disconnected my inetraction . How rude is this staff ? Ive been working towards this problem for 2 days including walk in to tm net counter .
I’m from Paroi, Seremban, NS. Internet service in my house is very poor. Malfunction. Streamyx? Paid RM140 per month for nothing. Reported to TM….responded but the problem still exist!! Recurring.
No hope to TM. Very frustated.
According to the experiences of other users and myself, we need to keep nagging TM to solve the problem. Don’t give up!
Have problem with new modem dsl8800(s) from tmpoint. called Operator n ask for service to home, they all said that they do not know how to set up for the modem and the modem is not belong to tm. ask me bring the modem back to the kiosk i bought n check again. Stupid tm!
@jade probably the modem is spoiled. ya, bring back to the tmpoint is the way…
Sila semak line internet di kawasan saya. Akaun no A60014-717-8910 semakin teruk hinggakan telefon saya tidak berfungsi. Line semakin lembab.
Please visit your nearest TM point to solve your problem.