Google Photos
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Google Photos: Free Unlimited Storage for Photos and Videos

Google Photos
Google Photos

In case you do not know. Google+ Photos allows unlimited photos and videos upload to Google Drive cloud storage. I have been using Google+ Photos to automatically backup photos in my smartphone but it only stores photos with resolution up to 2048 x 2048 pixels or videos not longer than 15 minutes. Higher resolution photo and long video will be automatically resized, or count to your Google Drive storage space if you want to store in original full-size photos and videos.

4MP resolution is fine for online sharing, but doesn’t you like FREE Unlimited auto backup for your high resolution photos & videos? Now You Can!

New Google Photos (without the “+”) standalone product has been announced at Google I/O 2015. Google Photos gives you unlimited online storage for all your photos and videos, auto organize and allows you to easily share them to anyone.

Upgrade from Google+ Photos, Google Photos now stores unlimited photos with resolution up to 16MP and 1080p Full HD videos. Higher resolution photos and videos will still be auto compressed.

You may choose “Original” storage size to backup your higher resolution (greater than 16MP or 1080p) photos and videos in their original file size to maintain exact quality.

A comparison between Original and High quality storage size shows that Google Photos has a rather good image compression technology that I do not notice the difference between two samples.

Google Photos compression
Google Photos compression

Besides backup and store your files, Google Photo also automatically organizes your memories by people, places, and things that matter.

You do not need to tag or label them. You do not need to create photo albums. All you need to do is do a simple search to find any photo. Example: search “dogs” and Google Photos will show you all of your dog photos. Magic!

Google Photos search
Google Photos search

Google Photos can auto enhance your photos for the best look. You can create photo collages, animations, movies and more in the app. Swipe left to open Assistant view, where Google Photos automatically creates a collage or a story based on the photos and videos you took in a recent trip.

Google Photos Assistant

It is easier to share your photos and videos now with Google Photos. Besides sharing via other apps, you can now create a link to share multiple photos and videos or album. Recipients of your share link do not need to install an app or login, they can save your images in their own Google Photos with a single tap.

Google Photos is now available on Android, iOS and web. (rolling out… yet available in Malaysia at writing)

via Google Official Blog

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