
How to get a WordPress.com API Key?

This is a simple tutorial about WordPress.com API key and how to get one for free.

Why should you get a WordPress.com API key?

WordPress.com API key is needed when you want to get free online services of Automattic, such as Akismet(blog antispam) and Automattic Stats(site statistics).

How to get a WordPress.com API key?

WordPress.com API key is given free with each WordPress.com account (free blog hosting). If you do not need another blog, you can choose to get just a username. Either one, you will get the API key.

Goto WordPress.com Signup to register your free WordPress.com account.

wordpress dot com signup

After signup, you will get the API key in the welcome email from WordPress.com.

Lost the email? No problem. You can get the API key in your WordPress.com account. Login WordPress.com Global Dashboard and goto your Profile, your WordPress.com API key is showing above the “Personal Options

WordPress.com API key on Global Dashboard
Image: WordPress.com API key on Global Dashboard

Note: Although WordPress.com API is free for everyone, but do not share your API key with others. Please ask your family or friends to get one by themselves if they need one.

Pay for WordPress.com API key?

Either you want to support Automattic/WordPress.com or use the API for commercial, you can pay for your WordPress.com API key. Ya, I am using pro-blogger API key.

api, automattic, api key, tips, tutorial, wordpress

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  1. Great idea for a post Liew! Some of the basic tasks like this one are difficult for newer bloggers.

  2. @Joshua Dorkin: thanks, I just try to be helpful. The official WordPress.com help is only plain text. I always think screeshots are great, so I make this post. :)

    PS: Rajaringgit’s question reminded me the need of this post for beginners. Thanks.

  3. Grrrr….
    i like wordpress, i don’t find the solution…
    do you know (LcF) how to put a visits counter to my blog??

  4. @jackl: please contact your web host and/or akismet for the problem.
    I do not use visits counter and I don’t think it is necessary to show to public.

  5. I host my own site and use wordpress as my blog, but don’t have an API key. I’ts not in my profile and I still have my original email and there is nothing in there. What do I do?
    Thanks for your help

  6. @troy: the only way to get WordPress API key is thru WordPress.com registration. You can choose to get API key only (without wordpress.com blog) during the registration. :)

  7. @troy: the only way to get WordPress API key is thru WordPress.com registration. You can choose to get API key only (without wordpress.com blog) during the registration.

    can you create a account, and you sendme the api key (i wish use in other host)….
    i want to need api key

  8. thanks for your post — it helped me make an obvious realization that should have happened 30 minutes ago!

  9. When i go to my profile page there is no API key. After I registered with wordpress they sent me an email that said nothing about an API key. What gives?

  10. I figured it out. I hosted WordPress on my hosting plan. When I did that I registered at wordpress.ORG not worpress.COM. What I had to do is also register at worpress.com to get my API. I guess .net does not issue API’s. Thanks anyway.

  11. @phreakaholic: you need to have a wordpress.com account before you can login at dashboard.wordpress.com. It is different than your personal wordpress account.

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