Meet LiewCF at Together Gather Blogger Party 2007

This coming Friday (9th March 2007), I will head to Kuala Lumpur to attend the “Together Gather Blogger Party 2007” at Federal Hotel. See you there!

Together Gather Blogger Party 2007

Together Gather Blogger Party 2007

It is a blogger party suggested in 2006 but postponed to March 2007 due to some issues. The organizing team did a hard work to make it possible at this Friday. They manage to get a lot of sponsors and cut down the entry fee, plus free gifts giveaway! Good job!

Date: 9th March 2007 (Friday)
Time: 6:00 pm till 11:00 pm
Venue: Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (map)

Official updates of Together Gather Blogger Party 2007

Meet LiewCF in person!

Liew Cheon FongAs a full-time blogger at home, I seldom step out my doorstep. If you want to meet LiewCF in real person, event like Together Gather Blogger Party is a good chance. I would like to know new friends and bloggers at the party, BUT I am shy.

If you spot me (photo gallery), please come over and intro yourselves (especially girls :P ). Also, please take a picture with me, so that you can remind me about you later… Then, we can chat about blogging, make money online, girls, and just about any topic! :D (Please do not ask about my income…)

Open Question: What will you ask LiewCF when you meet him? (submit your answer in the comment area)

2007, blogger party, event, federal hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia, together gather blogger party

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