Meet LiewCF at Together Gather Blogger Party 2007
This coming Friday (9th March 2007), I will head to Kuala Lumpur to attend the “Together Gather Blogger Party 2007” at Federal Hotel. See you there!
Together Gather Blogger Party 2007
It is a blogger party suggested in 2006 but postponed to March 2007 due to some issues. The organizing team did a hard work to make it possible at this Friday. They manage to get a lot of sponsors and cut down the entry fee, plus free gifts giveaway! Good job!
Date: 9th March 2007 (Friday)
Time: 6:00 pm till 11:00 pm
Venue: Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (map)
Official updates of Together Gather Blogger Party 2007
Meet LiewCF in person!
As a full-time blogger at home, I seldom step out my doorstep. If you want to meet LiewCF in real person, event like Together Gather Blogger Party is a good chance. I would like to know new friends and bloggers at the party, BUT I am shy.
If you spot me (photo gallery), please come over and intro yourselves (especially girls :P ). Also, please take a picture with me, so that you can remind me about you later… Then, we can chat about blogging, make money online, girls, and just about any topic! :D (Please do not ask about my income…)
Open Question: What will you ask LiewCF when you meet him? (submit your answer in the comment area)
great, see u there.. :)
i want to asked you..are you available??? Hehehe..Just kidding..
@cely: yeah, glad to see lenglui :D
@surfaddict: Yes, I am available! but I am straight. :P
Hahaha. surfaddict, I’m available =.=
You gave wrong links for ‘Official updates of Together Gather Blogger Party 2007’ :D
@KennyP: thanks for the correction. :)
meet liewcf? what for? face is not good looking..