No Malaysia Delivery to Israel?

flag of IsraelYesterday, I sent out all the prizes of “ Survey 2006” to the winners by POSLAJU (Malaysia National Courier), except the grand prize.

The grand prize winner is Gilad Feldman from Israel. Yes, the Israel we read a lot about it in the newspaper. When I asked POSLAJU, Israel is not in the list of countries (92 of them). I asked another nearby local courier company but received the same reply.

Now, DHL is my last hope. I have no experience with DHL, seems like it is quite complicated to make a DHL International delivery… Any advices, please?

By the way, DHL require shipper to state the item value. Should I tell the real value of a 2GB iPod Nano(USD199) or make a fake statement?

Update: I went to DHL office. Sending parcel to Israel requires an official permission certificate (very troublesome to apply for one). Sending paper documents to Israel is less troublesome. I have contacted the winner and we will settle it by ourselves.


“Hopefully, some day, I will be able to visit Malaysia, and not have to worry about things like how to mail something between our countries.” — Gilad Feldman, the grand prize winner.

DHL, Israel, Malaysia, POSLAJU

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  1. Tell the truth to DHL. They might make sure your delivery gets there with one piece. Also, if they find out you were lying, they will not be responsible for any lost delivery.

    That said, the only thing I’d ever personally send to Israel is an eviction notice.

  2. See? Things will get much easier if I’m the winner, lol. Just joking. Guess you should tell them the real price of the iPod, they’re aren’t so stupid IMO.

  3. Yep. Malaysian didnt do any domestic business with Israel. But somehow I think there few company that already has a business in Malaysia. Like starbucks for example..and

    As far as I know Israel likewise is the only country that Malaysians cant go for visit, vacation and etc..

  4. Malaysian can’t visit Israel? must be joking i have frens who have even stayed there for 2 weeks.

    Don’t lie to DHL it’s the best for you.

  5. guys….

    this is cool topic. liew, you must tell the winner (in Israel) about this first. If not, that is not cool.

  6. I went to DHL office and updated the post. Please read the update.

    Yes, I told the truth about the content. :)

    @weirdoux: yup, I contacted the winner before publish this article.

  7. Correct me if wrong. I think Pos Malaysia does deliver to Israel. I had a penpal stay in Jerusalem and our letters still could reach to each others. It was around 1998/99.

  8. It’s because Israel controls pretty much everything that gets into the country, every thing is scrutinized, make sure there’s nothing anti-Israeli in your package… or pro-Palestinian.

  9. I only know we cnt visit Israel, and yes, it is stated very clearly in the passport. it is something like the international passport is valid for ALL countries except Israel. But little did i know that we cant send things there too :S

  10. Yeah, it’s kind of sad how politics effects us little people. As I understand it Israelis are not allowed in Malaysia and Malaysians are not allowed in Israel unless for special occasions. I do have an aunt who visited Malaysia with an academic expedition and enjoyed her stay very much.

    I was wondering about how you’d be able to send that over… but, nothing much we can do about that.

    Anyways, I hope that someday I will able to come and visit your beautiful country and that we’ll be able to use old-style mailing between our countries at some point. I’ve enjoyed reading this blog (and other Malaysian blogs) alot. Thank you for everything.

  11. chi-an,

    liew’s case and yours are so different. clearly stated there that you sent a letter, not an item.

    Israel was so damn serious about an “item” than a letter. They so curious if the “thing” inside.

    That’s what I think.
    chill …!!

  12. Hi,

    I think, in future, you should state clearly your contest offer may face certain problems regarding delivery to residents of Israel or other countries where a similar situatin may arise. Just like Clickbank, they state that Malaysians cannot take part in the programs.


  13. @Markk: yes, lesson learned.

    @Anand: I have settled the prize with Gilad Feldman that we both agree with. Since I do not need an iPod Nano, I will reserve it for the next contest, probably a X’mas gift. :)

  14. Hmm…pity about the price thing. Did not know such ruling exist anyway, I thought its just restricted to diplomatic relations and visitation rights.

    – MENJ

  15. @MKCuz

    dont bullshit will you since when u can ship any thing fROm malaysia to isreal in your dream? ? are trying to say thats liewcf is lying ?


    know abit try to be smart

  16. If I recall my eBay days correctly, you can send to Israel via either Poslaju or Air Mail. The shipping rate will fall under the “Rest of the World” tier. I have sent a pair of Air Jordans to Israel before, and declared the item according to is real value. As most comments here state, it’s advisable that you declare the real value of the item for the protection of the sender & recipient. Good Luck LcF! ;)

  17. Liew, you already have the ipod or what?

    An option is with Amazon, which allows buyers to send to addresses other than their own, it’s like sending a gift through Amazon.

  18. Didn’t know about that relationship (or rather- anti/relationship) between Israel and Malaysia. Is it because of politics? Or Economics? Can someone clear that out for me?

  19. Offically – Malaysian cannot go to Israel since it is clearly stated & printed in our Passport. Yet Malaysian Govt do allow some Malaysian to go to Israel (or Israeli come to Malaysia) after special application is submitted to Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Internal Security Ministry). The last time happen to my team is when this one multinational company (MNC) need to send the engrs to Israel. We work out the details and everything when very well. Give 3 -5 month notice. Since then it has happen many time without any problem. For meeting with our Isreali / Malaysian engg team – we either select a neutral site -like Bangkok, Thailand (nice place and cheap !!!) or Singapore.On top of that – shipping stuff between two countries is done via our hub in Singapore. As you know – Malaysia Custom know every single details where the shipping end be it in Cyprus, Israel, Austria or Portugal -thus in the offical document MUST never wrote ISRAEL address as the final destination. Do take note – Malaysia is the world largest exporter of Semiconductor – and we buy/ship electronics all over the world. Anyway – if you want to go to Israel – we can still go bypassing all the above – but make sure enter via Jordan to the Jerusalem but do it with an approved certified good travel agency. Make sure do not stamp your Malaysian passport with any Israeli stamp. Even my secretary do this way 2 yrs ago and it is ok. Bottom line – the Govt know quite details what going on but wil not interfere with our personal actions. As a muslim – it wil be nice to visit Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa but I havent got the chance to do it until everything political is resolved over there. Hope the above info is of help to others.

  20. (sry. This post maybe from 2006 but here’s the good news) i checked with Pos Malaysia online and Israel is included. Shipping rates are equal to shipping to other countries under the ‘other countries’ category.

  21. Fxxk…Pos Malaysia returned my parcel that i shipped to my Israel’s customer on today. The parcel shipped last month 18th Nov 2015. The reason is…”Malaysia no connection with Israel.We are unable to deliver your parcel” WTF…

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