Google Photos
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Google Photos: Free Unlimited Storage for Photos and Videos

In case you do not know. Google+ Photos allows unlimited photos and videos upload to Google Drive cloud storage. I have been using Google+ Photos to automatically backup photos in my smartphone but it only stores photos with resolution up to 2048 x 2048 pixels or videos not longer than 15 minutes. Higher resolution photo and long…

Google Drive for Work with unlimited storage

Google Drive for Work with Unlimited Cloud Storage, Only USD$10 per Month

Google Drive for Work with unlimited cloud storage has been announced during the Google I/O today. The unlimited storage Google Drive is part of Google Apps Unlimited, the new Google Apps edition. (Compare Google Apps editions) For USD$10 per user per month, your Google Apps Unlimited account includes all Google Apps for Business features, plus…

Project Ara modules

Motorola Project Ara to Build Open Hardware Modular Smartphone

A month ago, an interesting idea called “Phonebloks” by Dave Hakkens about a concept smartphone made of functional blocks was shared by many friends on Facebook. The idea is groundbreaking that the idea video has over 16 million views on YouTube in a month. If you haven’t watch it, here you are: It is LEGO-like…