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Vote LiewCF.com for the Malaysian Dotcom Youth Search

vote for meThe voting for The Malaysian Dotcom Youth Search will be closed within less than 20 hours later. According to the result released at Jan 7th, 2008, LiewCF Tech Blog is the 6th highest voted websites! Not bad for a site that only joined for 16 days . :)

The No.1 is Paul Tan’s Automotive News, 4051 votes. If there is no surprise, he will become the winner of the “special award” that has most hits and click-throughs of the traffic counter. Advance congrats to him!

The Dotcom Youth Search Award Ceremony will be held at Jan 18th, 2008 at PWTC (google map). Yesterday, I received an invitation call from them, as well as my another friend. Seems like they are calling all participants 1-by-1.

How to vote?

Click on the “Y! vote for me!” banner on top right corner to vote me. You will be redirected to the Youth Search site and your vote is counted. You can add new vote every day. Thank you!

Update: Apparently, the voting will still be going on till the Jan 18th, 2008!

event, youthmalaysia, youthsearch

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  1. er… sorry… i’m a bit slow. how to vote? when i click on the banner it got me to the website but i no see how to vote.

  2. I just tried to vote for you. It was doing something funny so I dont know if it worked. I will try again later when I get home.
    Good Luck!!

  3. I voted for you by clicking “Y Vote fo Me” and it takes me to “YouthMalaysia..” page but it did not confirm that I have voted. Not sure whether I did it correctly. I hope you will get to the top 3.

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