Screenshot - Astro GO iPad

Astro GO — Free App to Watch Astro without TV

Screenshot - Astro GO iPad
Screenshot – Astro GO iPad

Astro GO (previously known as Astro on the GO) app was relaunched with new user interface and more relevant and personalized content for each viewer. It allows you to watch Astro anytime, anywhere.

The app has 3.2 million downloads and 1.1 million registered users. Viewing time has increased 3x from less than 60 minutes in initial launch to 215 minutes per week per user today.

Table of Contents

New Astro GO features

The relaunched Astro GO app has a new user interface with simplified Home-Tab bar (Home, Sports, Channels, On-Demand, Settings).

You can filter content according to language or genre, and sort based on alphabet, downloadable, or recent release.

Powered by machine learning and predictive analytics, the app provides personalized recommendation that is relevant to you.

You can add a show to Watch List and share your favorite programme to Facebook via Social Sharing feature.

All Sports and Korean channels now support High-Definition (HD) viewing. The app’s bit adaptive streaming will adjust video quality according to your Internet connection speed, so that you have a smooth viewing experience.

Download2Go feature allows you to download video content to be viewed offline later, without requiring an Internet connection.

Coming soon features…

More new features are coming soon:

  • One Astro account will support up to 4 concurrent user logins. Example: 4 family members can each watch their favorite Astro channel on phone/tablet at the same time.
  • You will able to wirelessly cast Astro GO programmes from mobile device to TV, without a cable.
  • Sports Control can playback, zoom in and out via the angled-camera, access to fixtures, video highlights, news, player rankings and league tables.

Free viewing for all Astro channels

From 1st April to 31st May 2017, all Astro customers who have registered and linked their Astro GO account can enjoy free viewing of all TV channels and on demand content on Astro GO, except Pay-Per-View and Premium ala carte sports.

Plus, “La La Land” — a drama film featuring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone is free to watch for all registered and linked Astro GO customers via on demand from 25 April to 31 May 2017.

Even non-Astro users who install the new Astro GO app will also have access to selected Astro channels during the period.

Exclusive channels for Astro GO

Astro offers three exclusive channels for Astro GO:

  • Commedy Central for comedy fans
  • K-PLUS for Korean’s hottest drama series
  • ANIPLUS for latest Japanese anime and pop culture

Furthermore, Celestial Movies, Nickelodeon, DIVA, AXN, and KIX are now available on Astro GO.

Download Astro GO

Astro GO app supports phones and tablets running iOS or Android, available for free download on App Store and Google Play. You can also access Astro GO website at

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