How to Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly in 5 Minutes using MobStac
MobStac B! is a free service to turn your blog into a mobile-friendly site. It takes your blog’s feed URL and convert it to a mobile site which is compatible to almost ANY mobile devices, regardless smartphone or feature phone.
I am one of the closed beta member of MobStac B! (B for Blog). The setup is extremely easy. Simply submit blog URL and customize the mobile site (title, header image, tagline) and you are done!
MobStac B! not only supports almost any blogging platform (as long as your have a blog feed), also has a WordPress plugin for native integration.
You can see the mobile version of when you visit using mobile devices, or goto (yes, CNAME subdomain supported!).
The mobile site design is a bit dull but it works. The page loading speed is fast, images are automatically resized and optimized. There are Twitter share and Facebook share icon on each mobile post. But the Twitter share link (Tweetmeme) is not working.
Want to make money on your mobile site? MobStac B! allows you to add your AdSense publisher ID to display advertisements on your mobile site. Again, I don’t get it to display payable ads (only Google Public Service Ads).
MobStac B! account has a simple traffic analytics showing you the daily mobile traffic, average views per day and total mobile site views.
MobStac B! is now Public Beta. Sign up now!
This is a free product review with honest write-up. If you are interested to submit your products for review, please write to
It looks like you had change some thing here, coz I can’t see your posted date at your home page.
Is ok now!
Cool, let’s see how mobStac transform my site into mobile friendly one.
This is a great post. I tried it on for my blog and it works great! Thanks a lot!
great :)
Thanks for sharing this great stuff. I’ve tried it on my blog ( Just a question. If people type on their mobile, they’ll automatically see my blog in mobile version or they must type in order to see the mobile version?
if you have install the wordpress plugin, mobile user will be automatically redirected to the mobile site.
Good post….The page loading speed is fast, images are automatically resized and optimized. There are Twitter share and Facebook share icon on each mobile post. But the Twitter share link (Tweetmeme) is not working.
Great images with nice explanation shared here.That would be great use.