Facebook for iOS: post sharing options

Facebook App for iOS: Now You Can Share Post to FB Pages, Groups, Message

Facebook didn’t tell you this. Now you can share FB posts to friend’s timeline, Pages, Groups and in Facebook message. While reviewing an Android smartphone last week, I realize that Facebook app for Android support sharing posts to Facebook Pages. As a Facebook Page admin, it is the feature I always want to have in…

Facebook for iOS: chat head and stickers

Facebook App for iOS gets Chat Heads, Stickers and Cleaner News Feed

Facebook app for iOS has been updated (version 6.0) to support Chat Heads, stickers, and new News Feed. Unlike Facebook Home’s Chat Heads, the iOS version of Chat Heads only appears in the Facebook app and cannot integrate with user’s SMS contacts. Chat Heads floating on top of Facebook app give you instant access to…

PhoneClean scan complete
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PhoneClean – Scan & Delete Junk Files on Your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Not enough free space on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch? Do you know that there are many useless junk files in your iOS devices that can be safely delete and free up more space? What is PhoneClean? PhoneClean is a free software for Windows and Mac to scan and clean up useless files in your…