maybank2u revamp failed
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New Maybank2U Website Turns Out to be a Disaster

Maybank2u – Maybank Berhad online banking site – revamped with new web design on 29 November 2013, but it turns out to be a Maybank online banking disaster. New design is good… It is not a new design. The same Windows–8-like tile (grid? metro?) design has been applied to Maybank corporate website earlier this year….

Fake CIMB Android App

Fake CIMB Clicks Android App Found on Google Play Store

CIMB Clicks is one of the most popular online banking service in Malaysia. It has official mobile apps for iOS and Android to allow customers to manage their bank account on-the-go. Apparently, a fake CIMB Clicks app called “CIMB Clicks Perbankan Internet” (no link for obvious reason) get passed Google Play store security check and…

Top 5 Threats to Your Mobile Banking Security

In the age of mobile banking one must protect their personal information more than ever. With increased freedom to carry online banking activities anytime and anywhere including on a laptop, desktop computer, tablet or smartphone, so comes an increase in the need to protect online privacy. We’re fortunate that a bank deposit, withdrawal, account transfer,…