P1 snap post win photo

Win iPad Mini by Taking Picture Together with P1 Promoters

P1 Snap Post Win banner
P1 Snap Post Win banner

P1 “Snap, Post & Win” is a Facebook photo “likes” contest running from July 8 to September 15, 2013. P1 will giveaway 2 iPad mini a week for over 10 weeks.

“This contest is just something extra to thank patrons of our more than two hundred stores and sales points nationwide. We also wanted to celebrate the Internet and mobile lifestyle which brought about the sharp increase in smart phone and tablet adoption in recent years. People just want to be informed, entertained and sociable while on the go. The iPad Mini will go very well with P1’s 4G wireless Internet services.” said P1 CEO, CC Puan.

How to win P1 iPad mini?

First of all, P1 make it easy to enter the contest. No purchase required. You do not need to be a P1 customer.

  1. Simply visit any P1 sales point (locate here) to snap a photo together with a P1 promoter (handsome or beauty, as you wish!).
  2. Visit P1 Buddy facebook page to upload your photo and fill in the contest form.
  3. Ask all your family, relatives, friends, and strangers to “like” your photo.
  4. Two highest votes (likes) photos each week will win iPad mini each.
  5. Good luck!

You can only submit your entry once. Your uploaded photo must contain P1 promoters in uniform in their respective P1 Sales Points. Also, only photos receive at least 50 likes will be qualified for winning.

Here are some submitted photos:

Visit P1 Snap, Post & Win for more information.

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