Amazon Associates Context Links Associates Central launched the Context Links beta in March 2007. Context Link is a contextual link that automatically link your content to Amazon products with your affiliate id. Every purchases through context link will earn you a referral fee.
Image: Associates context link in action
The Context Links read web page content and create special link for the keywords. A product preview will popup when mouse points to the links.
Amazon Context Links setup panel
Setting and customizing Context Links is rather easy. The setup panel allows you to configure the link style (default, double underline, dashed underline, etc). You can also customize the product preview as well, such as background color, text color, display product image or not, and more.
Image: Amazon Context Links setup
Even more advance, you can control the context links to match exact product names, open in new window, and limit to the products of certain product categories.
Applying Amazon Context Links is as easy as pasting a javascript code block into your page footer. The Context Links will appear almost immediately if Amazon system have already processed your web page. Else, it will take a few minutes to determine the phrases to link.
Using the default Context Links style, I had 22,464 impression and 111 clicks for the context links, but no single sale. Well, I have no luck with Amazon Context Link. Perhaps I need to change the preview style?
Please share with us if Amazon Context Links work for you.