
Replaced Linksys Power Adapter

Greetings. Here is a quick update for you if you were wondering where have I been in the past few days. I am in Kuala Lumpur, since Wednesday (22 March 2006).

Table of Contents

Linksys Power Adapter

I have replaced my Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Router‘s power adapter. It was spoiled for the second time two weeks ago. Unlike the first time, I got the power adapter replacement on the spot this time, without needing to wait for a week. Regarding the Linksys power adapter heat problem, even the seller admitted that the power adapter has a lot of problem.

coolermaster little chipset cooler
I said I want to find a small electrical fan for the power adapter but I can’t find any. I bought CoolerMaster little chipset cooler. I am going to stick the little chipset coolers on the power adapter. Does it sound funny? Hopefully it will help to reduce power adapter’s heat.

V for Vendetta

Watched “V for Vendetta” with my friends. They thought it was a horror movie. But apparently it is about terrorist, corruption, and a bald girl.

V for Vendetta

J is OL

As usual, I met J when I was in KL. She is an OL (Office Lady) now and she looks beautiful in OL suits. :) This is her first job. I think she will handle it very well. She also joined a well known direct sales company. She set a very high target for herself and is suffering from the pressure. Luckily, she feels better after discussing it (or argue?) with me. That’s great. :)

Meet Net Friend

Final Destination/Final Destination 2

I will also be meeting an Internet friend tomorrow, and we will be watching “Final Destination 3” together. I can’t understand why people like to watch horror or disgusting movies? I still prefer family friendly movies like “The Shaggy Dog” and “Nanny McPhee“. :P

When will I back?

I will be going back on Sunday. Then, I should back to my normal blogging routine.

P/S: Site traffic boosted after awarded as official SOB at successful-blog.com. Thanks, Liz!

coolermaster, kuala lumpur, linksys, power adapter

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  1. i think if it breaks down again (touch wood), you should consider buying another wireless AP. I recommend Belkin, or Netgear. If you have extra cash to spare, Allied Telesyn is the brand to go for. It’s been said Allied Telesyn is the BMW of wireless routers…

  2. For a so called techie like you, you sure blow a lot of stuffs. It shows how stupid you are, mounting a “heat sink” on an adapter. Only fools like you will do things like that.

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