Who are the Strongest Blogs in Malaysia?
After the list of Most Influential Blogs in Malaysia by Gaman (my idol), Alang (my another idol) created another list of Strongest blogs in Malaysia using Page Strength as a guideline.
The page is in Malay language but it doesn’t matter, afterall we only care about the list, right? ;)
According to the list, Jeff Ooi is the strongest blog in Malaysia and the only blog with Page Strength 7/10. Follow up by Zeo (the first Malaysian blog with PageRank 7?), KennySia (the funniest blog in Malaysia?), and Cowboy Caleb (editor of Tomorrow.sg).
LiewCF.com is not among the strongest of strongest blogs. Somehow, Page Strength shows no result for my Alexa Rank and my listing in DMOZ. :)
How strong is your blog? Check at Page Strength