Google Reader OPML file
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How To Export Google Reader Subscriptions to OPML File

In case you haven’t known it yet, Google Reader (most popular feed reader) will be shutting down after July 1, 2013. It is very important for Google Reader users to export and backup their feed data. You should get all your Google Reader subscriptions in an OPML (XML) file format. So that you can migrate and…

Google Drive in Malay language

Now Google Drive Speaks Malay, Too! (18 New Languages Added)

Google Drive online cloud storage now available in 18 new languages including Malay. The 18 newly supported languages are: Afrikaans, Amharic, Basque, Chinese (Hong Kong), Estonian, French (Canada), Galician, Icelandic, Khmer, Lao, Malaysian, Nepali, Persian, Sinhalese, Spanish (Latin America), Swahili, Urdu, Zulu. With the new languages, now Google Drive supports 65 languages in the world!…

No Free Google Apps
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No More Free Google Apps, Alternative Solutions Found!

Google has killed the free Google Apps for your own custom domain. Available plans now are Google Apps for Business ($50/user/year) or Google Apps for Education (Free). Existing Free Google Apps users are not affected, Google do not charge them now. Google Apps is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps you and your team connect and…