Malaysias Best Wireless Broadband: Things You Need to Know
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Malaysia’s Best Wireless Broadband: Things You Need To Know

With all the constant competition going on between Malaysia’s broadband providers, it’s hard to tell which one best suits your Internet needs. Of course, with the multitude of options available for you from various broadband providers, it should be easy for you to get the best plan for yourself. The question is, how do you…

Windows 8.1 personalized lock screen
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16 Best New Features of Windows 8.1 You Want to Know

Windows 8.1 – a free update to Windows 8 – has been launched in October 2013. Windows 8.1 maybe looks identical to Windows 8 but there are many new features and improvements inside. Here I compiled a list of 16 best new features of Windows 8.1. Let us know which feature you like most in…

Twitter setting allows you to receive direct messages from any follower

You Can Now Receive Twitter Direct Messages (DMs) from Any Follower

Twitter new setting allows you to receive direct messages (DMs) from any follower, regardless you follow them back or not. Learn how to enable/disable it. “Hey, please follow me so that I can send you a DM!” Does it sound familiar to you? Twitter users should encounter it now and then. It is Twitter’s rule that…

google shared endorsements
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How to Disable “Google Shared Endorsements” that Show Your Name and Photo in Google Ads

Google updated its Terms of Service with new “Google Shared Endorsements”, which may display your name and photo in Google Ads. Learn how to opt out and disable it for your Google+ account. Google Terms of service has been updated. The new terms will go live on November 11, 2013. One of the three changes…

facebook limit audience setting

Now Anyone Can Search Your Facebook Posts! Here’s Quick Way to Anti-Stalking

Facebook has decided to allow anyone to search for your profile on Facebook by removing the “Who can look up your Timeline by name?” privacy setting. Most of you probably do not know the setting, anyway. It is an old setting which has been removed last year for people who are not using it. “Only…

Export Feedly OPML

How To Export Feedly Feed Subscriptions to OPML File?

You switched to Feedly when Google Reader shutdown. You were a happy Feedly user and added many new feeds into the service. One day, you found a better feed reader matches your news reading habit and you want to switch over. Or, you simply want to backup your Feedly feed subscription. You don’t find Feedly Export…

Maxis RM1 Unlimited Internet Opera Mini

How To Apply Maxis RM1 Unlimited Internet Data Plan via Opera Mini

Maxis Berhad partnered with Opera Software to launch unlimited web browsing plan via Opera Mini browser for as low as RM1 a day. The Opera Mini data plan is available for both prepaid and postpaid customers. It will be delivered via the web pass platform, no monthly subscribtion fee. Just apply for the Internet pass whenever…

Google Reader OPML file
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How To Export Google Reader Subscriptions to OPML File

In case you haven’t known it yet, Google Reader (most popular feed reader) will be shutting down after July 1, 2013. It is very important for Google Reader users to export and backup their feed data. You should get all your Google Reader subscriptions in an OPML (XML) file format. So that you can migrate and…