Dropbox Beta with Camera Upload (Free 5GB Space)
Dropbox, the popular cloud file hosting service, launched a new beta with Camera Upload feature to automatic import and upload your photos in phone or camera. Dropbox is giving away 5GB bonus space to beta users. Read on for the details.
During the beta period, Dropbox is offering additional free space to test automatic uploading of photos and videos. You get 500MB space at 1st image/video upload. For every 500 of photos and videos automatically uploaded, you will receive another 500MB space bonus, up to 5GB total.
Once your photos are uploaded via the camera upload feature, they’ll be renamed to include the date the picture is taken and placed in “Camera Uploads” folder. Camera upload won’t re-upload your photos and videos, even if you move, rename, or delete your files from the Camera Uploads folder.
Based on my test, Dropbox Camera Upload automatically detects my iPhone 4S when connected, then import and sync photos to Dropbox. The upload speed is slow (under 20KB/s) though.
If the Camera Upload is taking too many space of your Dropbox account or you would like to disable the feature, you can untick “Enable Dropbox camera import” via Dropbox’s Preferences.
Warning: This a BETA version, expect software problems/bugs. Please backup your Dropbox folder before install. The Dropbox beta downloads are available here for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Don’t have Dropbox account yet? Sign up a free Dropbox account via my referer link to get more Dropbox space for both of us.
Upload speed is fine over here, over 400KB/s most of the time.
Thanks for the info. Maybe it was my bad connection…