Free Gmail Invitation

Have you sense the another wave of Gmail invitation giveaway?

My friend, Lilian got her first 6 gmail invitations to giveaway. But she gave out all in just Two hours. :shock:

Though there are many free GB mail available but people still like to become the Gmail’s “invitation only(currently)” member.

Why huh? Because of the Google brand name? Gmail is not perfect(still Beta). There are still many improvements need to make and recently a security flaw has been discovered in it.

If you are still looking for Gmail invitation, I also got some in my account. Due to the “high demand and low supply”, priority will be given to the following people:

  • Family and friends.
  • Malaysian.
  • Webmaster who link to
  • Pretty girl. :twisted: (Just kidding)

Note: Please leave your request in the comment, with valid email address filled in. If you link to my site, please fill in the URI. No email request will be entertained.

If you get free Gmail invitation from me, I hope you will giveaway Gmail invitations for free as well. :)

Updated(1 Nov 2004): Added Gmail bugs list link.

Updated(12 Nov 2004): Closed comment. Gmail invitation will send to six of the comment authors.

Updated(7 Feb 2005):
Want a Gmail account invitation? Send your request to the following email address:
liewcf dot com [at] gmail dot com

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  1. ppl eager to get a gmail acct, maybe its becos it is not easy
    to get like gawab or walla..
    The hardest to get it, the more ppl precious it. Right? :wink:

  2. I’m just collecting all my invites till I have a hige cache of them – then I unleash them into the world!!! :twisted:

  3. Hello : ) I’d like to request a Gmail invite if I may, please : )

    Thank you *very* much,

  4. hi! i need a gmail, it would be very kind of you. thanks a lot anyway even if you dont..:smile:

  5. Hi,

    If you’ve got any Gmail invitations left, I really would appreciate one.
    I’ve been waiting for ages to get a GMail account. Thanks!


  6. Hi/Hello !!

    I would like to receive one Free GMail of Google, please!

    Cheers. Ok Dude !

    Send me my mail.Thanks !


  7. I am from Turkey and i will be very grateful if you send me one. i promise i will use my invitations for good.

  8. I’d be greatful if anyone would e-mail me an invite since I could really use the space. In return I can offer a program that will allow gmail to be used as a web drive via Windows Explorer. Thanks, in advance!

  9. My mailbox is constantly full. I guess it’s time to obtain a new account. GMail sounds great to me! Thx!


  10. Hi, I really need an invitation!! I can assess the internet only when I am at shore! (I am a seaman)

    Thanks again,
    Nyan W. Hlaing

  11. I realy need an account of Gmail. I have had too many e-mails lately and cant store them.
    Please be kind to give me an invitation.

  12. new to the email scene, want something no one else has. 71 years old and grandkids consider me stupid. I’ll show them I guess.

    Thank you

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