I Want Canon PowerShot A700!
Many friends are surprised that I, a tech geek, do not own a digital camera. Actually, I wish to have a camera since I was studying in primary school.
After doing some surveys, I think I will get the Canon PowerShot A700 at RM1199.
Why Canon PowerShot A700
There are a few features I like about Canon Powershot A700:
- 6.0 megapixel — print big output
- 6x optical zoom — can peak girls in the next building
- ISO 800 — reduces camera shake and blurring of fast-moving subjects
- High ISO Auto — captures higher quality pictures with minimum noice
- Large 2.5″ LCD — instant clear photo preview
- Use standard AA batteries — can get replacement batteries anywhere
- Gridline display — easy photo framing
- Made in Japan — not “Made in China”
Read more Canon Powershot A700 feature details
Other accessories
Beside the camera itself, I also need to buy a tripod and battery charger. Also, a 1GB memory card is required. This Canon Powershot A700 Accessory Kit is my ideal package! I wonder whether we can get the same kit at coming PIKOM PC Fair or not…
What do you think?
What do you think about Canon PowerShot A700? Any other camera suggestion at similar price(RM1199 or USD327)?
By the way, any advice/suggestion for a new digital camera owner? :)
Canon’s digi cam is some of the best for any level users, from amateur to professional. I think you can trust on Canon.
PowerShot series are ok, but I think Ixus series are good too.
Another happy canon guy here.
why not tyr sony cybershot dsc-s500? Check out my blog about that cam…
i think its better to buy sony cybershot becasue they look cool
You have made the right decision – A700 has tons of manual controls which you don’t get in other consumer level camers. The video quality is good at 640×480 and 320×240 resolution. Plus the LCD screen can be rotated which lets shoot self photographs.
I absolutely love this camera.
In my opinion, this PowerShot A700 is a good buy. If you compare any other consumer digital cameras in the same price range, I doubt if you can get any other better alternatives, as in feature-wise.
Sony cameras are undeniably stylish and sleek in design, but those in the PowerShot A700 price range are just average in terms of specification.
Wonder if you can get the same Canon Powershot A700 Accessory Kit in Malaysia. The kit items are simply tempting
If you are going to buy in Malaysia, those are all either made in China or Taiwan one.. :lol: But if you buy online, you’ll have the risk on which country it actually made in…
I owned an a700 and was very happy with it [until it got stolen]. Anyway, if you like the huge screen and the ability to add filters/converters, go for the a700. If you wanna shoot at high ISO, get the Fuji F30 – it goes up to ISO3200.
I bought my a700 for RM1050 at amapng park, btw.
how about the canon powershot S2 IS? priced around RM1800 trust me.. you won’t regret it…
sorry… the Canon POwershot S13 IS. the newer one…. not the S12
i bought it 3 months+ ago, in bukit bintang, tell you what.. it only cost me rm999… included camera bag, without battery.. made in japan.. i think u can get a better price …. but not in “PC Fair”!
@wong: For A700, it is “Made in Japan”. Other models are made in China. Can we buy camera online from other countries?
@fred: RM1800 has over my budget…
@dongmen: RM999 for A700?! Only the camera and bag, without memory card?
LcF, try comparing Canon A700 to Fujiflim A600 and KodakC643
I bet photography is not your hobby. You are not going to snap those artistic photographs. You just want a “point and shoot” camera to produce some “show and tell” photos, right? The Fujiflim A600 and Kodak C643 is only half the price of that Canon A700, but they have similar features.
Producing good photographs needs practice and patient. One cannot blame on his tools.
Thank you, Weilian.
I am looking for a budget camera to learn about photography, therefore, A700 is the choice.
ok… with 16mb mmc card… and those standard accessories, which i dun think that mmc card is big volumn enuf to make it useful…
go ask around those shoplets in bukit bintang, the actual price is not as what u c as the label..
and remember to go lelong to bid for some rechargeble batteries. Its really cheap compared to the real market. ;)
good luck!
Can anyone help?
I bought an A700 model in China. Although it is written “Made in japan”, i doubt it if it is the genuine A700 because it is all plastic and waring out fast. Is this is the A700 model metallic of plastic? Did i buy a genuine A700 or a fake one? Someone help out please.
I bought A700 from Fotokem, Midvalley when i was down at KL…
it was a good offer..that time was around Rm1200 i think + they threw in some freebies such as tripod, upgrade memory, and bag..
It is seriously better than my Kodak Easy Share forget what model…
this time i had huge screeen with tons of features.. Battery not built in… Nice!
At this price its a realy good deal. I think you will get maximum from A700. Threre are few other options but they can’t beat canon in this range.