
Recover Suspended BCB Channel-E Account

I had successfully recovered my suspended Channel-E account with BCB bank. The whole process only took me a minute a free phone call, but I was not aware of that, so silly me, I went to the BCB branch instead of making the phone call.

After queuing in BCB for a few minutes, I was told that we don’t need to be at the branch in order to recover Internet banking accounts. We only have to make a toll-free call to BCB to recover the account. The phone number is 1 300 880 900.

The BCB operator will greet you with a menu of NINE items! I almost forgot the number for the “enquiry of Internet banking” option after listening to all of the menu items. :P

Then, I was greeted by a receptionist. After knowing my purpose of calling, she asked me a few security questions:

  • ATM card number
  • Full name
  • IC. number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Birthday
  • Mother’s name

After answering all the questions correctly (fortunately I have good memory :P ), my Internet banking account was unsuspended immediately. I was able to login after hanging up the line. Great!

My two cents

As compared to my lost Public Bank password experience, recovering BCB’s password was much easier. Simply make a phone call, answer few questions, and it is done!

Is it secure? Yes, I think so. Recovering suspended accounts do not reveal your login information. If you lose your login ID or password, you will need to know your ATM card number and password.

banking, BCB, internet banking

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