Sing a Birthday Song for Liew!
Hi guys, it is my birthday today (19th Aug)! I wish to do something special online for my 26th birthday. Can you do me a favor, please?
powered by ODEO
Can you sing a birthday song(in your mother tongue) or record a (unique)birthday greeting for me. :)
How to record your song/message for me?
Don’t worry. It is very easy. No software required. Everything is done on the web. :)
Firstly, you need a working mic attached to your computer, of course. Then, click the following “Send me a voice message” button to go to my message recording page.
On the page that says “Record a message for Liew Cheon Fong”, please fill in your name, email and subject (e.g. Happy Birthday!).
LiewCF’s message recording page
Click on the “Record” button and start to record your birthday song/message for me. The “Record” button will change to “Stop” button once you start recording. Click “Stop” button when you are done.
Finally, click “Send” button to send your recorded song/message to me. You can also add some extra text for me.
That’s it. Hope to receive your recorded birthday greetings. ;)
PS: Of course, I am glad to receive any text greetings too!