
Chitika ShopCloud – Search and Make Money

Chitika has launch Chitika ShopCloud, a product search box with tag cloud.

Chitika ShopCloud - Search and Make Money

Chitika ShopCloud is an interactive search. When you enter keyword, a list of related products are listed in drop down list. The tag cloud shows related product keywords to your content or user specified keywords.

If you are thinking where to fit the Chitika ShopCloud, Chitika has prepared different formats for you.

Make money with Chitika ShopCloud

Each search and tag leads to Chitika’s paid (CPC) product search result. There is a “Create your own chitika” link under the search button for your visitors to create and customize their own ShopClound.

When your visitors grab the code, your Chitika ID will be used anywhere they place the code! And when a visitor without a Chitika account grabs the code and you will be credited with the referral once they sign up!

Sign up for Chitika and start earning money on your website.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

chitika, money, shopcloud

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