
How To: Review Every Facebook Tags of You and Stop Tagging Spam

Facebook tagFacebook (FB) has roll out new update for Facebook tags review, which allows you to control what happens when friends tag you or your content.

In this article, you will learn how to review every FB tags by anyone before they go on your profile page. (By default, friends’ tags are auto approved.)

How to enable Facebook tags review

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Goto “Account” (upper right corner), then Privacy Settings
  3. At “How Tags Work”, click on “Edit Settings”.

    Facebook tags settings

  4. At the popup window, make sure the “Profile review of posts …” is On, so that every tag of you will need to wait for your approval.

    Facebook profile review

  5. If the setting is Off, click on it and click “Turn On Profile Review” button in the next screen to enable it.
  6. Done. From now on, you will get a notification message asking you to approve/disapprove tags whenever someone tags you. See screenshot below:

    Facebook tag review

My two cents

Facebook tagging review is a good feature to stop spam tagging but it only works if you and your friends do not friend those spam profiles and manually enable the tag review setting.

If you are annoyed by the facebook messages of “[your friend] was tagged in [spam profile]’s album”, do yourself and your friends a favor, send this article to your friends. Ask them to review their tags.

Hopefully, one day, we can have spam free Facebook wall.

Image Credit: Dreamstime

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