Google Video Improved: No Video Player Needed

google video thumbnailGoogle has improved its Google Video service by eliminating the need for users to download software to play back videos, the Mountain View, California-based company has announced.

The service’s videos now play within a Web browser without the need for additional software, says Peter Chane, senior business product manager for Google Video.

Moreover, the previously Windows-only playback service is now available to users whose PCs run the Linux and Mac OS operating systems.

[ Read PCWorld ]

Brief Review on the new Google Video

Visit Google Video, you get three randomly select video thumbnails. The video thumbnail has a “Play” button at lower left corder. Click on it and the video plays in thumbnail size. Note that there is no video player needed. I am playing the video on Mac OS X with Firefox 1.5 beta 1. No problem, very nice!

If you prefer bigger video screen, you can click on the video thumbnail to get full size video player.

Google Video Player

google video fulll player

The Google Video Player is powered by Flash player. It has more smooth video playback than the previous video viewer. The Google Video player support more video playback controls, you can play/pause, skip forward/backward, control volume, and drag the playback pointer to any second of the video. When you resize the browser window, the video player will resize too.


Google team done a good job on the Google Video! It is much better than the previous version and, most importantly, it playback videos on Mac and Linux now!

Read my previous review on Google Video Viewer to see the different.

[ Google Video ]

[tags]google video, video[/tags]

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