A Letter to Silicon Alley Insider Editor: I am NOT Jason Chen
Dear Silicon Alley Insider editor (Nicholas Carlson),
I believe you have made a silly mistake in the recent Silicon Alley Insider article “Here’s all the stuff cops confiscated from Gizmodo editor Jason Chen” published on Apr 26, 2010.
The photo you used is my pro-blogger cards but you referred it as “one box of business cards for suspect chen”.
That’s wrong!
Dear, please use your eyes and brain. The cards clearly printed my full name “Liew Cheon Fong”, not “Jason Chen”.
Did you simply Google for the photo and used it in your article (without giving me credit) and assumed the cards belong to Jason Chen? That’s very misleading. How could you make such mistake?Jason Chen is the famous Gizmodo editor who revealed the lost/stolen iPhone 4G. I am a full-time tech blogger in Malaysia.
OK, I admit that Jason Chen and I have some similarities: we both are men, bloggers, and love gadgets. But.. but.. I believe, I am more handsome than Jason!
Jason Chen with iPhone 4G [image by Gizmodo]
Yours truly, Liew Cheon Fong (aka LiewCF) with iPhone 3GS
Now you see. I am more handsome & cute and definitely not Jason Chen! :-P
Liew Cheon Fong
P.S. I would love to send you a blogger card of mine.
[Thanks to everyone who tip me]