
3 Ways to Check Software Compatibility for Mac OS X Lion

Lion roar
Krane – Fotolia.com

Mac users, have you upgrade to Mac OS X Lion yet? (Check out the cool new features of Mac OS X Lion!) If you haven’t upgrade to OS X Lion because you are worrying that your Mac software might not compatible with the Apple latest operating system, here are few ways to check software compatibility for Mac OS X Lion.

Table of Contents

1. RoaringApps

RoaringApps is an application compatibility wiki for Mac OS X Lion. It lists Mac applications in alphabet order and showing the compatibility status: Okay, Some problems, Does not work, or Not tested. Problems will be listed and solution (if available) will be added, too.

2. Check for update in the app

Most Mac apps have a “Check For Update…” (or similar) menu item in the menu bar or software preferences. Use it to check for the available software update that has been released by the developer.

3. Check developer’s website

Some software developers may have pre-release version of their products for OS X Lion. You should visit the developer’s website and check for latest announcement and updates. You might get discount to upgrade to a newer version of your software that’s compatible with OS X Lion.

Bonus: OS X Lion check incompatible software, too

After Mac OS X Lion installation, it will move out incompatible applications to a separated folder (so that you don’t run them and mess up the system). You are advised NOT to run the isolated software. Wait for developer updates or find alternative software to replace them.

Are your apps Lion-ready?

So far, most of my current Mac apps are compatible with OS X Lion. Some has minor issues, some get Lion update from the developers. What’s your must-have apps that’s not compatible with OS X Lion?

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  1. Yep, just increased my 17″ macbook pro ram to 8GB and upgraded to Lion. Incredible! However be advised if any of you use an HP Mediasmart server for Time Machine as this will most definitely break and stop making backups. We’re told that a patch is in the works for WHS 2011 though but no confirmations yet to date. 

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