Should You Buy Maxis iPhone?
Maxis, one of the primary telco in Malaysia, launched Apple iPhone 3G for Malaysians at last Friday (March 20, 2009). Should you get an iPhone now? Let’s see.
Currently, Maxis is the only telco in Malaysia that offers iPhone but it might get other competitors after June 2009 (via twitter).
Table of Contents
iValue Plans
Maxis created 8 iPhone 3G plans called iValue Plans which have a contract from 12 month to 24 month. The iPhone 3G phone (8GB) price is from FREE to RM1900.
All iValue Plans included data usage of 500MB to 3GB per month. iValue Plans have more expensive voice rate and SMS charge than Maxis Value Plus Plans. Value Plus Plan is 5 cents for a SMS while iValue Plans is 10 cents for each.
Is iPhone 3G for you?
Besides all the attracting features of Apple iPhone 3G, it also has some disadvantages and lacks of some features:
- Cannot blind typing on iPhone because of its smooth touch screen surface.
- Cannot type on iPhone with one hand because your thumb is not long enough.
- Cannot forward funny/interesting SMS by friend to other friends, because iPhone does not support SMS forward.
- Cannot transfer files via iPhone bluetooth because its bluetooth does not support it.
- Cannot Copy & Paste text.
- Does not support MMS.
- Does not support Video Recording.
- No flash on camera
- Speaker is not loud enough.
- Cannot replace build-in battery.
- Does not support Flash animation on website.
iPhone OS 3.0
Don’t mind all these disadvantages and lacked functions? All right. But, you should wait a little while more before rushing to get your iPhone 3G now.
Just before Maxis launch iPhone 3G in Malaysia. The Apple announced the new software update for iPhone and iPod Touch called iPhone OS 3.0, which will introduce over 100 new features: iphone search, cut, copy, & paste, MMS, landscapee mode, etc.
The iPhone 3G you get from Maxis now is version 2.2. Anyway, iPhone OS 3.0 is a free update for iPhone users.
New iPhone 3G is coming soon?
According to MacRumors’s Mac Buyer’s Guide, their recommendation of Apple iPhone is “Don’t Buy – Updates soon”. The last release of iPhone is July 10, 2008 and it has been 254 days since then. So, we can expect a new version of iPhone soon.
If you buy iPhone now, you are buying an old version. Hold your horses!
Why LiewCF does not buy an iPhone 3G, yet?
I am glad that Apple iPhone is finally official in Malaysia, although most of my geek friends have already got one long time ago.
For me, iPhone 3G is a Internet tablet + Gaming device with phone feature. I love the big screen of iPhone and the ability to connect me online on my palm. And, all the amazing apps and games on Apple App Store. Plus, the ability to sync with my Mac computers.
With iPhone OS 3.0 software update, it fixed some of the issue I concerned. However, the Maxis iPhone plan is not cheap. I don’t want to tide myself with Maxis for over 12 months and I SMS alot.
Do I really need a new phone now? The Nokia N95 is serving me just fine. Perhaps iPod Touch better serves my purposes (again, “Don’t buy iPod Touch now”, said MacRumors) than iPhone.
Are you getting your Apple iPhone 3G? Or, already iPhone owner?
waiting for new iPhone July or if it’s better price. It’s over price with maxis plan now.
One thing I noticed about the iPhone packages is the (imo) ridiculously large amount of voice minutes and the comparatively tiny data transfer limit. shouldn’t this be the other way around?
Yes, I saw this on TV3 News, and what new is, one month free after subscribe their package which applicable to this free one month internet access…
Agree with all your points. It might have been better to launched earlier. The other day only news showed the newer iPhone which supports Cut and Paste.
Maybe maxis can repackage their plans so that it can be more affordable.
I might be biased, but don’t hesitate to also read my analysis of the whole thing:
Largely, you might also find the comments useful
Chances are, that if you are buying an iPhone, you will have a computer with iTunes available. How many might find failed updates for OS3 when it comes out? What about the lacking music store? Oh, there’s much more to write about it seems
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic anyone? I’m using one and it is amazing, no multi-touch but it has the sharpest / highest screen resolution for a mobile phone (yes, very very sharp)
Though most of the iPhone limitations at present with its version 2.2 can actually be resolved by unlocking the phone and install third party cracks, but personally I find it ridiculous to do so. Why get a handicap phone and spend the hustles to crack it to support standard phone features?
Besides, imho, I don’t find Maxis iPhone plans to be attractive; the plans are relatively a lot more expensive, comparing to other countries. Just take our nearest neighbour, Singapore’s SingTel, and you can see the BIG difference
I’m using Nokia N82 with iPod Touch 2nd Gen, perfect match.
You’ll feel the pain of battery charging frequency if you use iPhone 3G for gaming n video much.
–blog for dream–
Call me biased but I’ve never had such a great experience with a mobile phone other than the iPhone (I’ve owned both the iPhone 2G and 3G). I think I have owned about 15 – 20 mobile phones in the past 5 years and pretty much tried most of the Nokias, SEs, Motorolas, Samsungs and the HTCs. But none of these phones have come close to the iPhone in terms of usability and the stability of the OS.
I also believe that the biggest plus point of the iPhone is also the app store. There are virtually thousands of apps that are available with more being added each day. Some of these apps are extremely useful and even the gameplay has improved. There is talk that the iPhone 3G might even replace the PSP as the top handheld gaming device.
In my humble opinion – the iPhone 3G is a great buy and I’m loving every moment with it!
thanks for the write-up! At least I’m aware of the downside of iPhone. I was bombarded by the new features & benefits when talk to the sales guy.
Now I can make a wise decision! thanks
Actually i want buy the i-phone, but now i want to change my mind ……
Anyone can recommend me , i want buy the phone with good function in internet surfing ?
XPERIA good ah ?
Hi Liew,
Have you look at Palm Pre? It’s look like iPhone
i am an iphone 3G user and IMO the developers at apple are already adding to whatever lacks on the iphone by developing FREE updates for their current iphone users. the 3.0 firmware is due this summer and is free for all iphone 3G users.
for those who need a new phone do consider the iphone. what maxis is offering to the public is IMO overpriced but who said anything about getting the maxis deal?? there are alot of jailbroken iphones on the market now and when the 3.0 firmware comes out this summer, apple will once again prove that when u use an apple product they will take real good care of you… just my 2 cents..
@matblogger: i agree that the app store is a big attraction to buy iPhone (or iPod Touch)
@Shahir: Palm Pre is cool but it is not in the market yet, is it?
@cookie munsta: do we jailbreaking iphone every time when there is iphone OS software update? If yes, it is a troublesome process
Glad to see LcF posted about Maxis iPhone. Personally I’m big fans of Apple iPhone and as a “geek”, I think you should get one. Join Malaysia Apple iPhone Fans Club @
Hi everyone,
I can’t decide if I should get the iPhone from maxis. Is RM100 a month for 333 mins talk time and 500 mb data so bad? I don’ think its that bad. Look at the blackberry package that maxis is offering (just to compare). Celcom Customer Sales is just dead awful, so forget about BB from celcom.
RM2000+ for the phone unit. RM120 (unlimited data) + RM80 (talk time and sms)
= RM200 monthly = RM2400 yearly
TOTAL SPENDING for 2 year = RM 6800
iPhone: (ivalue 2)
RM1640(16gb) + RM 640 (advance payment) for the phone unit. RM155 (1gb data and 667 mins talktime) + rm30 (20% additional talktime and 100 sms)
= RM185 monthly = RM2220 yearly (2 year contract)
TOTAL SPENDING for 2 year = RM 6720
singtel iPhone: (iflexi plus):
RM500(16gb) for the phone unit. RM230 (2gb data and 500 mins talktime and 500 sms)
= RM230 monthly = RM2760 yearly (2 year contract)
TOTAL SPENDING for 2 year = RM6000
The main advantage of BB is its push mail capabilities but paying RM120 a month for push email is just PUSHING IT!! Thats almost as expensive as my home internet bill. Plus, 1gb of data plan for the iphone is MORE than adequate. Its not like you’re downloading an entire movie onto your iphone anyway!
I don’t know. The way i see it, i’m ‘ok’ with maxis’ iphone package. iphone works well with the web and the lack of sms and the expensive package does bother me. But at least with an iphone, u can bet u’ll be satisfied. I have lots of friends using the iphone and so far none of them are willing to part with it! they just like the iphone so such. anyway.. what do you think? Move to singapore for a new ipHOne??? LOL!!
I’ve been using iPhone for a very long period. And i’m very, very satisfied with mine, enough said. Can fwd sms, video recording, zoom in/out camera copy n’ paste etc etc. Just download all the applications @ Cydia, plus it’s free!! Enjoy mate
I’m tempted to get one but my C905 is less than one month old.
Nah, I wouldn’t get it from Maxis. I think the gadget is overpriced and the package is not attractive.
Hey guys,
instead of i phone try the G1 phone….android based…
Its really far far better than I phone..
Its not officially launched…but still can get in malaysia…
Its priced about 2k…
Excellent phone…
im don have 1 yet. but still reading info about tis gedgt. tq for discuccion.
I know i phone is good but at the same time it’s very costly too.
@ Yoga n kopok
Hey good idea! so i went browsing around and reading up on G1. Overall it looks awsome. Correct me if i’m wrong, BUT afew things bother me:
1. I have LOTS of music. I wish there was a way 4 me to manage n sync my music on the G1. From what I read, u have to manually drop the mp3 files into the phone and u can make playlist only on the phone. No itunes or wmp compatibility (also some ppl were saying that the album cover doesnt work)
2. some of the user on youtube reported that the apps on android market is kinda buggy. I dont know how true this is but consider the fact that android is an open platform, there is the possibility that apps on market could become carriers of spyware and malware. With itunes app store, all apps are screen n approved by apple.
3. no push mail n on screen touch keyboard. i saw the demo. its kinda annoying when u have to flip the phone n slide it to type every single time.
4. google should polish up on the android platform ui, then it can really be an iphone killer
5. i get lots of email attachments. can i view pdf, xl, ppt n word docs?
6. the g1 phone design is nicely done. a slide out keyboard n the trackball nav is just snazzy. would be better if it had multitouch =D
7. to sync contacts n calendar u have to get online n sync it with google first. i’m not a huge fan of these ‘cloud’ application because i don’t like the idea of storing my data on the internet.
8. the shop savy app is KOOL!! but not sure if its working here in
like i said. these are just some of the infos i found on the net, i might have gotten it wrong. anyone with experience using the g1… feel free to jump in n correct me.
no phone is perfect n even iphone had alot of growing pains when it was first introduced. BUT as far as i can tell, this is a great start for the g1 phone n the android platform…
I still stick with my Blackberry Storm. It gets the jobs done and much more. I am not into gaming much
Plus if I really want a gaming experience my clones powerfull desktop can equipt me for that.
Having said that if you are talking about palm devices that surft internet and emails lots of
Productive office work the most important thing that you need is batteries. Having a spare battery
Handy will definitely help especially if you are on flights or in the airport waiting for your flights.
Not having the ability to change battery while on the move is a definite a minus point for us
Business travellers.
For those who loves gaming hehe get urself a Nintendo instead just kidding folks.
iPhone is so good… must buy!
iPhone sucks. Its all hype. I got mine from the US last year, used it half a day and never used it again. It only offers basic phone and text messaging features. Not even sure why they call it i”Phone”.
iphone sucks. I got mine from the US last year, used it half a day and never used it again. It offers very limited and basic phone and text messaging features. Not sure why they even bother calling it an i”Phone”. Its all hype.
Angelina Gomez, i’d be more than happy to get that unused item away fr u at no cost :p
I can’t believe you advertised on Facebook! Lol, well it worked, it sparked my curiosity and got me here.
Nice headline by the way.
Came here via an ad in Facebook that says “Do NOT buy Maxis iPhone”… LOL ;)
I did bought the Maxis IPhone 3G and used it for 2 days only, before i decided to change to Nokia E90.
Very dissapointed with the IPhone and even its basic featurings. Hope Apple could release better phones in future.
Hrmm..4 me..only Pocket PC suit me..nothing else. :-)
Real fact & detailed analyzed!
hmm..The price is still reasonable and under budget ge(for working ppl la coz sum no can claim)..
If you ask me what really make me to get this plan? Definitely iPhone’s cool touch screen,cool and stylish which really make me feel cool and different from others.But when talk about’s so sad to hear that
# Cannot type on iPhone with one hand ?
# Cannot forward funny/interesting SMS by friend to other friends?
haiz..can’t in 1 hand?normally i type with 1 finger can it really disaster for young guy and many business ppl also,sure you’ll feel like boycott from your geng as headache for you to share with other your fowarded message..
1 critical problem is..Cannot replace build-in battery?can anyone tell me how if battery rosak?where can fix replace ? Or which mean get a new iPone? It also crucial consideration to get this plan o..
Anyway,so great to hear MatBlogger’s reponse #10 ..”But none of these phones have come close to the iPhone in terms of usability and the stability of the OS.”,it let me no wory abt usability and the stability..which also the big thing ppl really concern for long term.
Got my Iphone 3G from US 4-5 months ago, is it great, love the email functions, got all my emails, yahoo, gmail, hotmail and even company mail since it has microsoft exchange email.
I like the facebook and rss reader too, can’t miss paultan rss..
And for the review that said that no cut & paste, not true at all, if you jailbroken it, there is a free cut and paste apps called “clippy”.
love the big font and seamless zoom in/out….good upgrade from my previous HTC.
i use more thn 1gb wif just internet n p2p download..
maxis ivalue plan ~ not worthed..
So Komeng if u bought the phone from US how much is the cost?
After converting it to RM is it really cheaper than the actual price sells here in malaysia and how bout taxes etc etc ?
Hmmm……think this phone is for ppl who are rich and have a lots of free time (nothing to do).
+ 1 more disadvantage – Whenever new OS release, after you upgrade, it may not compatible with all of your previous applications. Hahha….this can let you miss some of your favorite applications and spend your time again to look for new or compatible applications.
Q here – Why make yourself so busy and troublesome?
iphone in malaysia is expensive. what the ivalue plan from maxis….all cost bommmm. maxis just want to make money from comsumer only. this is call MALAYSIA BOLEH………..
I have a strong feelings that iPhone 4G is coming out this July, Steve Jobs will be introducing it. They save iPhone 4G for Steve Jobs since Steve is still in the Hospital for medication. cheers; nazz
Yes, i totally agreed. Dont pay from maxis while the supplier is so cheap!
Even the macbook pro 17 inches just around 4k plus.
Don’t buy from Maxis! They have crap customer service.
I’d got mine for one week and start to give problem. ‘One way audio’ said the Maxis customer service guy at KLCC and promised me a new unit in 24 hrs. Its been a week, not one call from them. Called their hotline -123 three times. The guys and girls over the other end of the line seems a bit lost on what to do. They made promises to get back but not even one sms till today.
I paid 2k for a new iphone and they took it back just like that.
Beware of Maxis.