Updates Alexa Website Preview Thumbnail Image
Your website is listed in Alexa.com with a nice website preview thumbnail image. One day, you changed your website layout but you found that the Alexa.com does not update the preview image. Here I show you how to tell Alexa to updates your website’s thumbnail image.
(replace “YOUR_SITE” with your website domain name).Tell Alexa to update your website thumbnail
I assume you are at your website info page of Alexa.com. In the page, you see the outdated website preview thumbnail and site description. Scroll down the page to the bottom.
You see “Correct errors and omissions in this listing.“, click on the “Correct” link. It will bring you to “Site Information Editor” page. You can edit your site information from the page.
While changing site contact info required authorization(by email or put a text file on the site), changing site thumbnail is open to public.
Click on the “Update Thumbnail Image of YOUR_SITE” link to tell Alexa updates your website thumbnail image. When you see the following message, it means that you are done.
Update Thumbnail
Thank you, The thumbnail image for “YOUR_SITE” will be updated within 48 hours.
Isn’t it easy?
Though I do not use Alexa.com to search for information but the site preview thumbnail is nice and it has been used in some search engine plugins. I see no reason why you do not updates your site thumbnail image. :)