
Use Trackback to Increase Targeted Traffic

Update: Make sure you link back to the post(s) that you send trackback in your post too! I was wrong. Sorry, guys.

For Google Adsense, you won’t earn much if you do not have enough site traffic, even you have good ads layout, good ads placement and highly targeted ads. I have a tip to increase your blog traffic by using TrackBack.

Trackback: “…allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and has written another entry concerning it.”


Here is what I do to increase traffic and attract targeted blog readers.

  1. At the end of the week, I create a list of weekly highlights.
  2. Then, I search Google for the keywords of each post. Example:

    trackback keyword1 keyword2 keywordN…

  3. As usual, Google will return a list of search result. Note, these are high ranking websites that (posibility) allow trackback from your blog.
  4. Select most revelant(to your post) from the list, visit them and find out the trackback link (normally at end of the post, either in a link format or a URL string). Copy the trackback link.
  5. Turn back to your post and edit it. Trackback the copied link from your blog.

    For Wordpress user, scroll down to “Send trackbacks to:” and paste the copied trackback link(multiple URLs allowed). Click “Save”. It will take some time to trackback the links, be patient.

  6. Done. You get links back from high ranking and relevant websites to your post.

What are the benefits?

  • It brings targeted traffic to your site, and posibility increase your number of loyal blog readers.
  • It create high quality(content related and high ranking) incoming links and (posibility)increase your site ranking in search engines.
  • It share your ideas on the topic with the website author.

Hey! This is trackback spam!

No, it is not. I strongly against sending trackback blindly (read: trackback spam)! Unlike trackback spam, I only send my trackbacks to selected websites that are related to my post.

I got traffic increased, more blog readers, more incoming links and getting more people know about my blog. Of course, increased traffic caused increased Google Adsense income. ;)

By the way, you can use this tip to increase your site traffic even you are not target to earn money from your website. It is an easy way to let the world know about your website!

Hope you find this tip useful. Let me know what do you think in the comment. Make sure you checkout other online revenue tips too!

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