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WordPress 2.0 Released, Should you upgrade?

WordPress 2.0 has been released and it is now available for free download now. The WordPress 2 is a big step forward after the last version 1.5.


What’s new for a blogger in WordPress 2.0?

Asymptomatic posted a list of new features in WordPress 2.0, here are a few features that might interest bloggers:

  • Ease of Import — the new import system makes it easier to import your blogs from other blog sites. The importers can be run directly from WordPress admin. No more hassle of the previous import process.
  • WordPress Admin Redesign — the Write page has most significant changes. This section supports “drag & drop” and “expand & collapse”, as described in the previously posted WordPress 1.6 feature
  • WYSIWYG Editor — Finally, WordPress has WYSIWYG builded in the editor. You can write your post like using a word processor, no more HTML codes. Anyway, there is an option for HTML geek to disable this feature.
  • Image or File Uploading — I guess this is the most wanted feature in previous version 1.5. WordPress 2.0 makes image or file uploading much easier. It keeps track of your images and autommatically create a dedicated page for each image.
  • Improved Post Preview — the post preview is now shown in an embedded frame which will load your template design and looks exactly like when it is published.
  • Presentation Page Changes — WordPress 2.0 allows you to preview themes before actually applying it. If a theme is included with a screenshot, you’ll see it in the Presentation admin panel.
  • Ajax Category Addition — allows you to add new categories directly from the Write page, no need to enter Manage panel.
  • Buil-In Plugins — WordPress 2.0 comes with Akismet anti spam plugin and a WordPress database backup plugin.

How to upgrade to WordPress 2.0?
Please refer to the official documentation about Upgrading WordPress. Unlike previous upgrade process, you are asked to deactive all WordPress plugins update Permalink structure.

My two cents

The WordPress 2.0 looks great! But I do not plan to upgrade soon because the plugins compatibility is my main concern (I use A LOT of plugins). I should to wait to make sure that all my plugins work in version 2.0 or when I’ll find alternative plugins.

<h3>What others say about WordPress 2.0?</h3>
<li><a href="http://www.bloggertips.com/index.php/news/wordpress-officially-20new-looks-site/">Wordpress Officially 2.0+New looks site</a> &#8212; BloggerTips.com</li>
<li><a href="http://www.heritage-tech.net/177/wordpress-20-out-now/">WordPress 2.0 Out Now</a> &#8212; HTNet</li>
<li><a href="http://www.kamigoroshi.net/archive/2005/12/27/956">Wordpress 2.0 Has Arrived</a> &#8212; Footsteps in the Mirror</li>
<li><a href="http://blog.enrii.com/2005/12/27/wordpress-20-released/">WordPress 2.0 Released</a> &#8212; enrii.blog</li>
<li><a href="http://www.boredworkers.com/2005/12/27/wordpress-20-cometh/">WordPress 2.0 Cometh</a> &#8212; Boredworkers.com</li>
<li><a href="http://www.szehau.com/archives/2005/12/finally-wordpress-2-is-released/">Finally, Wordpress 2 is released</a> &#8212; szehau @ blog</li>


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