Amazon aStore Beta associates central launched aStore beta for its members. aStore is a new product that lets you create a professional online store in minutes. It can be embedded within or linked to from your website.
Screenshot of Amazon aStore at
Previously, we need to use Amazon Associates tool to create an associates store. With aStore, the whole process becomes very simple and easy. You can create and customize your own online store in minutes. aStore features
- Up to 9 featured products on front page
- Include all Amazon products, or display only the chosen categories.
- Customize store’s look and feel
- Offer an online shopping cart
- Show product details and reviews
- Show related products, listmania, wishlist, and etc
- It is FREE
My two cents
I won’t say aStore would generate much revenue for you, but it is a good add-on to your existing website. Afterall, it does not cost you any cent to try. aStore is only available to Associates member (free registration).
Visit’s aStore (integrated with WordPress Page)