
New! Google AdSense Video Ads

Google AdSense introduced a new ads format — AdSense Video Ads. The new video ads look like a Google Video player with an “Ads by Google” tattoo.

Sample Google AdSense video ads

Firstly, click on the video ad will play the video. Clicking on it again will bring you to the advertised URL.

The video ads is only supported by three AdSense ads formats: large rectangle, medium rectangle, and square. There is no guarantee of video ads appearance on a website. However, DO NOT use text ads only for this AdSense setup, in order for video ads to work.

My two cents

There are three AdSense ads formats now: text, image, and video. You can either choose to have “text ads only”, or “image/video ads only”, but you can’t choose “text/video ads only”.

So far, no record shows that video ads bring more revenue than text-link or image ads.

A reader reported that he saw video ads on LiewCF.com. If you see AdSense video ads on this site, please send me a screenshot of it.

Inside AdSense [via TechBuzz]

ads, adsense, advertising, google, video

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