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Tag Keywords Suggestion Tools

Tagging does increasing website traffic. One of my new site received hundreds visits the next day, because I tagged the right keywords. I will show you how to get tag keywords suggestion from a few Web 2.0 sites.

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Why use tag keywords suggestion?

It is not easy to pick and tag the right keywords. “Right keywords” refers to keywords used by other people on similar contents. With help of tags suggestion tools, you can easily find out related and popular keywords.

Note: The sites that I will show you may NOT be designed for keywords suggestion but they can be used for that purpose. Also, do NOT tag every suggested keywords.

Technorati Related Tags

Technorati is the top blog search engine. I was using Technorati related tags feature to find other related keywords. However, Technorati reduced the number of related tag suggestions after a website redesign. Now, It only lists two or three related keywords.

Where? http://www.technorati.com/tag/
How? Enter your keyword in the text field and click “Go to Tag”.
technorati tags


Tagyu is a hosted service that can discover keywords, tags, and categories of a document. Unregistered user can use Tagyu services for free but limited to one query per minute.

Where? http://tagyu.com/
How? Insert text or URL into the “Test Drive” text area and click “Try it” button.
Tagyu tags

Del.icio.us Search

Del.icio.us is a popular social tagging/bookmarking website, which is powered by TAGS. The del.icio.us search will give you a long list of common tags.
Where? http://del.icio.us/search/
How? Enter your keyword and press “Search” button.
del.icio.us tags

BlinkList Related Tags

BlinkList is a social bookmarking site that supports tagging. Unlike previous related tags searches, BlinkList will show the number of posts that tagged your searched keyword and BlinkList related tags.

Where? http://www.blinklist.com/
How? Enter your keyword in the search text field (select “public) and click “Search” button.
BlinkList related tags

What’s a tag? “Think of a tag as a simple category name. People can categorize their posts, photos, and links with any tag that makes sense.” — Technorati

My two cents

Frankly, I just found these so-called “tag keywords suggestion tools” a few minutes before wriing this post. :P Anyway, I will start using del.icio.us and blinklist as my tag keywords suggestion tools. Oh! I am impressed by BlinkList’s post counts for related tags.

Bonus! Flickr Related Tag Browser

Never forget Flickr, the online photo management site, when we talk about tags! Flickr Related Tag Browser lets you surf Flickr related tags and pics (powered by amazing Flash).

blog, del.icio.us, social, tagging, tags, technorati, web2.0

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