Tips on How to Save When Purchasing a New Laptop or Desktop Computer
If you have plans to purchase a new laptop or desktop computer, you certainly have your work cut out for you. Quality is extremely important, but at the same time you don’t want to spend too much money when you are on a tight budget.
However, where there is a will, there’s a way, and this includes finding the right computer for you that you can find for a price that is just right for you.
Table of Contents
1. Online Electronics Stores
These days, doing your shopping is easier and more convenient than ever as everyone relies on online stores. Shopping for a desktop or laptop computer is no exception, and you can find plenty of great deals on devices when shopping through online tech stores. A great tip is to sign up for deal newsletters or subscribe to deal blog RSS feeds so you’ll never miss a great sale.
2. Popular Department and Electronics Stores
You can also find plenty of great desktops and laptops for reasonable prices when you shop at popular department and electronics stores. Many of these stores across the United States and Canada carry a wide selection of offerings. You can browse what they have and may even be able to find a great computer that is somewhat older but brand new. In some instances, it may even be possible to find a laptop or desktop that runs on an older operating system than the current one.
3. Shop for Refurbished Desktops and Other Devices
While shopping online, and, in some cases at stores you can visit, you may even be able to save money by purchasing your new computer refurbished. If the word “refurbished†tends to bother you, you aren’t alone. Many consumers cringe at the term, although such products are essentially just as good as brand new items. When a laptop or desktop computer is said to be refurbished, it merely means that it had some small defect that the manufacturer repaired. Refurbished devices are very often sold at a much lower price and deliver the same performance you would expect from the same product when it is brand new.
4. Third Party Vendors
If you feel comfortable enough in doing so, you may even want to shop for your new computer on online stores that allow third party vendor sellers and stores. Very often, sellers offer tech devices brand new at prices that are lower than those at regular stores. You may want to consider picking up an older model purchasing a year old device can save you a lot of money.
[box type=note]Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Brian who works with Dell. He loves technology and right now he is very interested in laptop development. Learn more about laptops at When not working he enjoys hiking, biking and writing about technology. If you would like to contribute too, please contact me.[/box]