BlogRush New Changes

BlogRush logoI was about to remove BlogRush widget but then I received a BlogRush newsletter about their new changes. I decided to give it more time to see how effective are the changes.

Currently, BlogRush statistics have been disabled temporary. I think it is a good idea to hide the cruel fact (low incoming traffic) of current BlogRush and keep the existing members.

Here are the “shocking changes” (coming soon) according to BlogRush:

  • 100% manual blog review — BlogRush will manually review every single new blog to filter out spam sites.
  • More categories — BlogRush adds more categories to increase the relevancy of post links in widget.
  • Improved reporting — Bonus credit activity will be reported. Low traffic members will get “a ton more bonus credits” than high traffic members.
  • Improved network distribution — balance between building and using credit points.

Here are the implemented new features:

  • Flavors — now you can change the color of your BlogRush widget from 13 “flavors”
  • Post filter — do not want to show your certain posts? You can use “post filter” to filter your blog posts with matching word or phrase in post title. Filtered post will not be syndicate to BlogRush network.

My two cents

None of the new changes directly increases incoming traffic to blogs.

BlogRush will have hard job to review blogs manually because each spammer can create hundreds sites each day.

Filtering post is a good idea but Post Filter is not effective. You probably need to add custom keyword like “NSFW” to the post title. It is better if we can filter posts by category or tag.

If you want to try BlogRush, please sign up via my BlogRush referral link.

blog, blogrush, seo, traffic

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  1. Apparently the dashboard has been disabled for the past few days.

    On my last check I had 2 referrals and 4 clicks out of like 2k+ impressions.

    Well, as long as there are people who sees my blog I’m fine with it. At least the widget doesn’t look ugly. :) (subjective issue though)

  2. you know, what this widget failed to counter is the fact that widget like these are mainly for geeks. it should scan all the articles and link all the blogs’ article together.

    for example, just like your ‘related post’, blogrush could introduce a ‘other related articles from another blog’, this would enhance everybody’s blog, instead of telling people here is another good tech blog.

  3. Maybe due to too many people talk about it’s not working, so they have to really do something, anything to remind people back to them eh? It’s like no changes at all ma…

  4. I think it’s over hyped by everyone. And from my point of view, it works only if you have referrals. If you don’t, it doesn’t deliver traffic to your site. I think I’m gonna remove it in the next few days.

  5. I happen to remove it and re-add the widget after receiving John’s newest report. I hope he would not let we down by his hype and promises. :)

  6. I recently developed a free wordpress plugin called “BlogRush Click Maximizer”. By using it you can vastly improve your Click Through Rate.

    This allows you to control what you want to display in BlogRush. You can even write alternate – short and catchy title just for BlogRush.

    You will have total control of what appears over the BlogRush Network.

    Check it out here:

  7. Can you pls adv how does BlogRush bring traffic to our blog/web site?
    I don’t seem to see the rationale behind how this is going to bring traffic to our blog.
    Is there other better and easy way othen than this?

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