Pirated WinXP Can Install SP2!
“It was a tough choice, but we finally decided that even if someone has pirated copy of Windows, it is more important to keep him safe than it is to be concerned about the revenue issue,” said Microsoft group product manager Barry Goffe.
Source: ComputerTimes
Perhaps this is a good news for Windows XP illegal users. ;) Previous release of Windows XP security patch pack — Service Pack 1 does not install and run on pirated copies. However, due to the wildness of viruses and worms that target on Microsoft Windows, Microsoft made a “tough choice”.
The coming Service Pack 2 will enable firewall by default(current is off by default), add automatic patch updating feature(download patches automatic) and other changes.
Contrary to the remarks it made to the ComputerTimes, Microsoft now claims that it will not permit users who have obtained Windows XP illegally to upgrade to its latest service release. Instead, the software giant will continue to enforce compliance with its licensing.
To clarify its position, a Microsoft spokesperson told BetaNews, “Press reports indicating Windows XP Service Pack 2 will install on pirated or illegal copies of Windows XP are not entirely true. Prior to installing, SP2 will check the OS’ product ID (PID) against a list of known pirated PIDs. If a PID is found to be invalid, SP2 will not install.”
Source: Microsoft: SP2 Will Not Install on Pirated Copies of XP | BetaNews.com
Sorry for pirated Windows XP users.